ESG, or Environmental, Social and Governance, at Meldrum Group has been central to our work over the past decade.
This page aims to give you a feel for what we do, alongside delivering first class projects for our clients.
We understand this critical point in time for the environment. Some of the actions we are taking include:
- Sustaining our ISO 14001 certifications, ensuring we manage the environment we operate in.
- Executing our environmental and sustainability policy.
- Promoting sustainability across all workers (staff, operatives and supply chain).
- Resourcing an Environmental Task Force team, to execute the carbon reduction plan.
- Achieving Net Zero carbon emissions, in line with our carbon reduction plan.
Meldrum would not exist if it wasn’t for the communities it works with and in. We help look after the wider social impacts of Meldrum by carrying out the following:
- We ensure the well-being of our staff through effective systems of work and our approach to mental health.
- The execution of our policies, helps to ensure those working with Meldrum maintain a society that’s good for everyone:
- Equal Opportunities Policy
- Modern Slavery Policy (with child labour)
- Health & Safety Policy
- Ethics & Human Rights Policy
- Training Policy
- Disciplinary Policy
- Anti-Bribery Policy
- Data Security Policy
- Our Meldrum Foundation works with the local community through engagement activities and charitable support.
Ensuring that we run our organisation correctly, ethically and effectively is also core to how we do business at Meldrum.
Our monthly Board meetings include a governance review with all functional heads.
Financial auditing and management of related controls takes place and is reported externally.
Our management systems are external certified via third parties.
The business undertakes quarterly reviews of our compliance with legislation.