Project Description
A Northeast company, Transmission Dynamics (owned by JR Dynamics Ltd) chose Meldrum Construction to carry out a £4.2m expansion of their facilities with a new Future Innovation Hub to be built in Cramlington. The expansion secured a grant support from the European Regional Development Fund as well as support from Advance Northumberland is set to bring a further 50, highly skilled jobs to the region. The firm specialises in innovative Industrial Internet of Things solutions and has a fast-growing pipeline of commercial contracts for their deployment globally. It is hoped that this new facility will afford Transmission Dynamics the physical capacity, specialist facilities and resources needed to scale up their manufacturing and deployment capabilities.
The new manufacturing facility is a two-storey steel framed structure constructed on a brownfield site between an existing business park and public house. The building has a profiled metal cladding and curtain walling façade with a composite roof structure. Internally there is a two-storey entrance lobby with balcony and two levels of offices that were fitted out to a high standard with feature wall panelling and bespoke carpet finishes. To the rear there is a large production and research facility housing bespoke manufacturing and testing equipment. Externally a soft and hard landscaped frontage complete with a SUDS drainage system including pond and landscaped swales which captures rainfall from the roof and allows it to drain in a sustainable manner off site.
Key Features:-
- Two storey steel framed building
- Highly energy efficient design including LED intelligent lighting
- Meldrum developed the design to introduce over £70k of Value Engineering
- Open plan workshops and offices
- Bespoke SUDS drainage system
VE Special Requirements
We generated c£70k of VE by amending paving specifications, alternative lighting manufacturers, amending the landscaping specification and amending the curtain walling specification.
We changed the roofing and cladding specification by amending the liner tray of the cladding system. This avoided long lead in times on the originally specified liner tray which would have pushed the project completion date back significantly (and resulted in further cost increases to the client because of this delay due to inflationary pressures on construction materials generally).
We undertook an extensive cut and fill exercise and site management plan to keep as much material on site as possible. This reduced costs to the client for exporting material off site.
Contract – JCT